Domaine de Saint-Paul, FRANCE
October 13th – 17th, 2025



The Enamel 11 conference offers a comprehensive five-day program featuring lectures, scientific sessions, poster presentations, and social events. This event will bring together renowned researchers and clinicians to discuss the latest advances in enamel research, its pathologies, and innovative therapies. Below is a detailed overview of the program.

The event will begin on Monday, October 13, and conclude on Friday, October 17, with a schedule designed to encourage discussion and collaboration between young researchers, established experts, and professionals in the field.
Below you can view the program:

Preliminary program - Downloable version

Find detail Schedule for sessions here

Preliminary Program

Monday 13 OCT
Tuesday 14 OCT
Wednesday 15 OCT
Thursday 16 OCT
Friday 17 OCT
07:00-8:45 am
Breakfast served in restaurant (La Rotonde)
Breakfast served in restaurant (La Rotonde)
Breakfast served in restaurant (La Rotonde)
Breakfast served in restaurant (La Rotonde)
09:00-10:30 am
SESSION 1: Enamel Structure and Biomecanics
08:50-10:20am SESSION 5: Environmental Pathologies of Enamel: Acquired Developmental Pathologies
SESSION 7: Session Organized by Junior Scientists and Post-Docs
SESSION 10: New Tools, Techniques, and Models Applied to Enamel and Amelogenesis
10:30-10:55 am
Attendees venue opened from 15:00 pm
Coffee break
10:20-10:40 Coffee break
Coffee break
Coffee break
11:00-12:30 pm
11:00-12:30 pmSESSION 2: Amelogenesis: General Concepts
10:45-12:15 pm SESSION 6: Hereditary Rare Diseases / Amelogenesis Imperfecta
SESSION 8: Pathologies of Enamel: Caries and Wear
11:00 am -12:00pm: Conference on New Breakthrough Data
12:40 -13:50 pm
12:40-13:55 pm Lunch/ Poster viewing session
12:20 – 13:50 pm: Lunch
12:40 -13:55 pm Lunch/ Poster viewing session
12:00 -12:30 pm: Conclusion and future direction
14:00-15:30 pm
SESSION 3: Enamel Matrix Proteins
14:00 pm Group Photo 14:30 – 16:00 pm SESSION 9: Artificial Enamel & Innovative Materials
Lunch (sandwiches/Quiches) for attendees to additional sessions
15:30-15:50 pm
Coffee break
2:00-6:00 pm Social events VERSAILLES/BIKE 2
4:00-4:20 Coffee break
16:00-18:00 pm
16:00-17:00 pm: Poster Session 2 = 10 Flash-Talks and Poster Presentations

17:05-18:35 pm SESSION 4: Biology of Amelogenesis
16:30-17:40 pm: Poster session 5 = 12
flash-talks et poster presentations
14:00- 16:00 pm Optional Satellite Sessions for Discussion:
– Molar Hypomineralisation: Etiology, Terminology (D3 Group)
– Genes and Amelogenesis Imperfecta (Mineralisation Group)
Inaugural conference on environmental changes and their impact on health invited speakers: R Barouki, S Babajko & Sylvie Tambutté
18:50 pm: Conference on wine history and taste
17:45 – 18:45 pm: Invited speaker (Paleontology):
Adeline Le Cabec (CNRS Bordeaux), Fernando Ramirez
Dental Tissues: Archives of Human Evolution, Diversity and Health
19:00-22: 00 pm
Dinner reception (Restaurant La Rotonde)
19:00 pm: Cheese and wine party (Restaurant La Rotonde)
18:30 pm Lecture on History of Enamel Research – Invited Speaker Alan Boyde
7:00 pm: Dinner (Restaurant La Rotonde)
20:00 pm: GALA DINNER Barbecue (if possible for the dinner) (Restaurant la Rotonde)
Dance party
20:30 – 21:30 pm: Poster session 1 = 10 flash-talks and poster presentations
20:30 – 21:30 pm: Poster session 3 = 10 flash-talks and poster presentations
20:30 – 21:30 pm: Poster session 4 = 10 flash-talks and poster presentations