Domaine de Saint-Paul, FRANCE
October 13th – 17th, 2025
Alan Boyde
Alan Boyde

Professor Alan Boyde started studying enamel development and structure in 1959, helped to organise the First Enamel Conference at The London Hospital Medical College in 1964, and has not lost this interest since.

He was a pioneer in the early use of TEM, SEM and confocal LM in enamel and ameloblasts research, and has broad interests in the general field of Mineralised Tissue Biology, with a strong emphasis on comparative aspects. His work on enamel has detailed several features of enamel microstructure to understand prism pattern arrangements and has informed us on the mechanisms of calcium transport by ameloblasts, among several other interesting aspects of his research including imaging ruffled and smooth ended ameloblasts by SEM.

He has trained a vast number of researchers and dental students on enamel development and the importance of its microstructure.